
Thank you for considering employment with the City of Elko New Market. Our goal is to ensure that each applicant is fairly treated and fully recognized for all relevant experience and training. Please assist us by carefully reading the following guidelines.

  1. The City of Elko New Market only accepts applications for open positions.
  2. All current vacancies are listed below. If there are positions for which you qualify, you may fill out the City of Elko New Market Employment Application materials provided below.
  3. Your application is the first step toward employment with the City of Elko New Market. You should make certain that each answer is complete and easy to read. A separate application is required for each open position.
  4. You should make certain that you clearly provide us with detailed information about prior training, experience, and education in the areas indicated on the job announcement.
  5. Please note the closing deadline of the position for which you are applying.  All application materials must be received at City Offices by the deadline.  The City of Elko New Market does not accept faxed applications.

Applicants must submit a completed job application for each position for which they are applying. This application may be mailed to City of Elko New Market, Attn: Deputy Clerk, P.O. Box 99, Elko New Market MN 55020; or personally delivered to City Offices at 601 Main Street, Elko New Market MN 55054. The City is now also accepting applications sent via email to Deputy Clerk, Lynda Jirak at ljirak@ci.enm.mn.us.

You are encouraged to call Human Resources at (952) 461-2777, if you need further assistance.