Senior Utility Discount Program


In order to minimize the impact of the water and sewer utility fees on senior citizens within the City, the City will provide a 50% discount on water and sewer utility base fees.


  1. Eligibility Requirements. Eligible applicants must meet the following criteria:
    a. The Applicant must be 62 years or older.
    b. The Applicant must own the residential premises subject to the utility fees.
    c. The residential premises must be the Applicant’s primary place of residence.
    d. The Applicant’s property taxes must be current.
    e. All City utility bills for the relevant property must be current, including water, sanitary sewer and storm sewer.
  2. Utility Fees. Eligible applicants shall receive a 50% discount on water and sewer base fees for their residential premises.
  3. Application. In order to receive the discount, Applicants must complete the Senior Utility Discount Application Form and provide a copy of their driver’s license or other Minnesota state issued ID showing the primary address and submit it in person at Elko New Market City Hall located at 601 Main Street, Elko New Market, MN 55054 or by mail to City of Elko New Market, Utility Billing Department, PO Box 99, Elko New Market, MN 55020. The address on the identification must match the utility account service address.
  4. Removal from Program. An Applicant will be removed from the Program if the Applicant no longer meets the eligibility requirements or is delinquent in payment of City utility bills or property taxes for a period of 90 days.