Adelmann Family AUAR
The Adelmann family owns 242.5 acres on the west side of the I-35 / CSAH 2 interchange. The City of Elko New Market and the Scott County Community Development Agency have been working with the Adelmann family to develop an overall concept plan for the property which will serve as an important gateway to the Elko New Market community. The Adelmann family hired a team of engineers, architects, and commercial real estate brokers to assist in their planning efforts. The conceptual plans, along with associated marketing materials, were finalized in the fall of 2018.
Following completion of the conceptual development plans and marketing materials in the fall of 2018, a draft Alternative Urban Areawide Review (AUAR) was prepared. An AUAR is a planning tool that local governments use to understand how development scenarios will affect the environment of the community before and after a development occurs. The process is designed to look at the cumulative impacts of anticipated development within a given geographic area. Information from an AUAR can be used to inform local planning and zoning decisions.
The initial AUAR document was released for a 30-day public comment period, whereby the public was invited to review and comment on the draft AUAR document. The official public comment period for the Adelmann Family AUAR ran from February 3rd to March 4th, 2020. The public was invited to submit comments regarding the DRAFT AUAR, via email or mail to Renee Christianson at the City of Elko New Market.
In addition to the public comment period, the City held a public open house on Wednesday, February 26th, 2020 from 5:00 to 6:00 PM. The open house was held in the Council Chambers at the Elko New Market Area Hall (601 Main St.).
The following are links to the original AUAR documents released in 2020:
- Adelmann Property - Location Map
- DRAFT Adelmann Family AUAR - Complete Document
- Adelmann Property Traffic Impact Study
- Adelmann Family Property Marketing Materials
- Adelmann Family Property Marketing Materials - Appendix A
- Adelmann Property Proposed Development - Animation
RESPONSE TO COMMENTS AND UPDATED AUAR - Posted January 27, 2022 and March 21, 2022
Pursuant to MN Rules 4410.3610, Subpart 5, the City has addressed the comments received and revised the environmental analysis based on comments received during the comment period. The City distributed the response to comments and updated AUAR to all persons that commented on the AUAR and to the EQB Monitor. No objections to the revised AUAR and response to comments have been received. The final AUAR is scheduled for adoption by the City Council on March 24, 2022.
The final AUAR, including comments received, and the City's response to comments can be found at the links below.
Renee Christianson
City of Elko New Market | Senior Planner
601 Main Street | Elko New Market, MN 55054