City of Elko New Market Receives Applications for New Industrial Park Plat and Beverage Manufacturing Facility
The City of Elko New Market has received a plat application for a new 118-acre industrial park and another application related to a 425,000 square foot beverage manufacturing facility to be located in the industrial park.
Ryan Companies US, Inc. has submitted a plat to the City for Park I-35, a 118-acre industrial park located in Elko New Market. The industrial park is located southeast quadrant of the I-35 and Scott County Road 2 interchange. The City of Elko New Market has worked with Ryan Companies for several years on the development of Park I-35. The development concept was originally proposed in 2014. The Park I-35 industrial park would help implement the community’s long-term economic development vision by diversifying the commercial and industrial tax base, as well as providing local employment opportunities through quality development in our growing community.
The City, in partnership with Ryan Companies and with the assistance of the Scott County CDA, has laid the foundation for the development of Park I-35. The completion of environmental studies, utility design and extension to the industrial park were possible though joint investments by Ryan Companies, the City and the Scott County CDA.
Concurrent with the plat application from Ryan Companies, the City of Elko New Market received a Conditional Use Permit application from Purple Rain Properties LLC, an affiliate of Niagara Bottling LLC, for a 425,000 square foot beverage manufacturing facility.
This proposed project will be the first step in developing the industrial park, bringing new property tax revenue and employment opportunities to the City. In addition, the water and sewer utility revenue from the beverage manufacturing facility will be beneficial to the City’s water and sewer utility funds. If approved, the proposal would create more than 50 full-time job opportunities for area residents.
Mayor Joe Julius stated, “We are excited that Niagara Bottling has selected Elko New Market for their proposed beverage facility. We believe that they would be an excellent corporate partner.”
The plat and the plans for the proposed beverage facility project are currently under review by City staff and have not yet been scheduled for any Planning Commission or City Council Meeting agendas.
Any questions, please contact City Administrator Thomas Terry at (952) 461-2777.