Public Works & Engineering

Staff Contact Information 

Elko New Market’s Public Works and Engineering Departments are responsible for planning, constructing, and maintaining the City’s infrastructure assets.  Some examples of the activities the Public Works Department is responsible for include:


Water Supply, Treatment, and Distribution

  • Well and treatment system operations, sampling, testing and reporting
  • Metering needs and meter reads
  • Hydrant flushing
  • Facility maintenance and repairs

 Sanitary Sewers

  • Collection system cleaning
  • Lift station monitoring, servicing, and repairs


  • Pond and structure cleaning and maintenance
  • Inlet, pipe, and ditch cleaning and repairs
  • Minor system improvements

 Streets, Parks, and Public Facilities

  • Snow and ice removal and control
  • Grounds keeping at all parks and City properties
  • Building maintenance and minor repairs
  • Pavement Maintenance
  • Signage Maintenance


  • Provide on-call personnel for emergencies related to infrastructure
  • Evaluate, acquire and maintain equipment
  • Field and address customer inquiries and complaints
  • Provide manpower and equipment to assist other departments as necessary

The Engineering Department works closely with Public Works in the shared mission to efficiently provide and maintain high-quality infrastructure systems through the following abbreviated list of activities:

  1. Prepare long-term plans that address:
    Where future roads and utilities system
    ~ How big they will need to be
    ~ When they might be needed
    ~ What they will cost and how they will be paid for
    ~ Implementation recommendations
  2. Improve Design, Bidding, and Construction
    ~ Site surveys
    ~ Stakeholder involvement process
    ~ Final plans for bidding and construction
    ~ Construction staking, administration, and inspection
    ~ Record drawings and maps
    ~ Records and maps maintenance and retrieval
  3. Finance Department Assistance
    ~ Capital improvement planning
    ~ Utility fund balance modeling
    ~ Development fee recommendations
    ~ Utility rate recommendations
  4. Code Enforcement, Program Administration, Agency Coordination
    ~ Development reviews and construction inspections
    ~ Administration of the Stormwater Pollution Protection Program
    ~ Coordination of wellhead and watershed district regulations
  5. Investigation and Reports
    ~ Options and costs for improvements desired by the City
    ~ Drainage problems and complaints
    ~ Speed zone and traffic inquires, complaints, and requests
    ~ Water quality issues


The City of Elko New Market contracts with the engineering consulting firm of Bolton & Menk Inc. for engineering and public works coordination services.  Bolton & Menk Inc. has staff specializing in municipal engineering, land surveying, transportation and traffic plans and engineering, water and wastewater engineering, cultural resources and environmental engineering, and geographic information systems.