
The Public Works & Engineer Departments are responsible for monitoring and maintaining the City’s stormwater collection, treatment, containment, and discharge system.  The purpose of the City’s stormwater system is to strategically and effectively direct, control, and/or store stormwater runoff, therefore reducing the risk of potential flooding of buildings, streets, parking lots, recreational areas, and other important properties.   The City’s current stormwater system is comprised of the following infrastructure:


-  Man-Made Storm Water Management Ponds:  63

-  Stormwater Lines:  64,000 ft. (12 miles)

-  Catch Basins:  750


Elko New Market is located within the boundaries of the Scott Soil & Water Conservation District, whose goal is to protect and preserve the water resources in Scott County.  For more information on the Scott Soil & Water Conservation District, please click on the following link:


Follow this link to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency’s Stormwater Program:


While the existing stormwater treatment and conveyance systems are adequate to meet the City of Elko New Market’s current needs, the City is projected to grow substantially over the next 20 plus years.  To meet the needs of this growth, the City is expected to require numerous additional stormwater management ponds and outfall pipes to treat and detain runoff and carry it safely to receiving waters.  In general, each new development can be expected to require one or more ponds or other stormwater facility.  Three regional type ponds are proposed for outlying areas of the 2030 growth area.  These facilities will allow further detention of water and help the City meet new regulations that may come along in the next decades.  The City will be developing increasingly stringent standards related to the quality and quantity of water that new developments may discharge.  These standards will generally seek to minimize impacts on receiving waters by minimizing existing conditions for rate, volume, contaminants, and temperature.  Future stormwater strategies will most likely reflect the importance of keeping vegetative buffers next to streams, wetlands, and ponds.


The City will seek to recover the cost of facilities needed because of new development from developers through stormwater area charges and developer-paid installation of public facilities such as ponds and pipes.  The City may offer a “cash in-lieu of” option for some areas where on site stormwater management is not feasible and regional facilities are in place.