Primary Services Overview
The City of Elko New Market provides water, sanitary sewer, storm water, and streetlight/warning siren services to residents and businesses. These services are billed to residents on a monthly basis. Any residents not connected to city water & sewer services are billed on an annual basis for storm water and streetlight/warning siren services.
Utility billing accounts that become delinquent are subject to 10% penalty fees. All delinquent accounts are certified to Scott County for collection with the property taxes.
New residents that need to arrange service should complete the Set-Up New Utility Service Account Online Form. New residents can find contact information for other service providers on the New Resident Information web page.
Customers moving out of the City should complete the Cancel Utility Service Account Online Form. Please keep in mind that utility billings are always one month behind as the City performs the monthly meter reads on or about the 1st of the month and then bills for the previous month usage.
Any current customers that need to change any information on their utility bill, such as name, phone/cell number, email address, or mailing address, should complete the Change Information in Utility Billing System Online Form.