
With its location on the southern edge of the Twin Cities metropolitan area, the employers in Elko New Market are able to draw from a large and talented labor pool from urban, suburban and rural areas.


Over 200,000 workers live within a 25-minute commute of Elko New Market. This labor pool is highly educated, with over 68% of the population having earned a bachelor’s degree or higher. Minnesota is known for its highly educated workforce, and the workforce in Elko New Market exceeds even those high standards.


Companies in Elko New Market currently draw employees from a wide geographic area that spans from both rural and metropolitan areas. Traffic congestion is not a significant issue for people commuting to Elko New Market - workers from more urbanized areas enjoy a relatively uncongested reverse commute. Making Elko New Market an attractive location for as lack of traffic congestion help to maximize the number of potential workers for Elko New Market companies.


Elko New Market offers a wide variety of housing options, including executive level housing as well as more affordable homes. The median home price in Elko New Market is $287,000. 42% of homes in Elko New Market are in the $200,000-$299,000 price range, and 42% are valued at between $300,000 and $499,000 (2010 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates).


Over the last decade, the City of Elko New Market has been the fastest growing city in Minnesota. Population trends in the current and future labor pool show a very even age distribution, giving employers in Elko New Market confidence that they will be able to find the talent they need for years to come.